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The 18 best cyber security awareness courses in 2024

Pim de Vos Marketing Manager

95% of all hacks and data leaks are caused by human error. From clicking a phishing link and falling for CEO fraud to downloading malware. While you can prevent many of these instances from happening with the right technology in place, you still need to train your colleagues for the times that technology can’t prevent it.

That’s why cyber security awareness courses are so important. In this article, you’ll find the best security awareness courses that we were able to test.

1. Guardey: Duolingo of security awareness

Guardey is a security awareness training solution based on gamification. Users take on weekly challenges that take about 3 minutes to complete. During those challenges, they learn about topics such as phishing, CEO fraud, malware, and more. Because users train weekly, they slowly build up awareness and knowledge over time.

Guardey uses gamification to keep users engaged for long periods of time:

  • Users follow a storyline in which they start an organization that they need to keep safe from cyber threats
  • Users can score more points with streaks (taking on challenges for several weeks in a row)
  • Users can compete with their colleagues for the top spot on the leaderboard
  • Users can earn badges by performing well during challenges


  • Ongoing training and evaluation
  • Fully gamified
  • Customizable
  • Library with industry-specific training programs (from education to healthcare)


  • Guardey doesn’t use video content, which can be a preference for some organizations.

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2. KnowBe4

KnowBe4 is a very solid training solution, boasting most of the features that clients want to see. It offers baselining, ongoing training and evaluation, with plenty of interactive material and gamification. KnowBe4 allows for white labeling, meaning that it can be customized with an organization’s branding to make it more relevant for learners. The training library is extensive, meaning that each security awareness course can be personalized to individual learners. KnowBe4 has received a great deal of positive feedback, achieving high ratings on sites such as G2. That said, some users have found the training videos dull and overly long.


  • Baselining, ongoing training and ongoing evaluation.
  • Gamification.
  • Customizable and personalizable.
  • Extensive training library including interactive materials.


  • Can be expensive, depending on the options you choose.
  • Some users find the videos lengthy and uninteresting.

3. SANS Institute

SANS Institute ticks all the boxes for a security awareness course. It’s customizable and allows admins to create bespoke courses from a wide library of training materials. The phishing simulation templates are easy to modify, making for more convincing simulated attacks. Reviewers have praised the training content, especially entertaining interactive games such as Scavenger Hunt and Snack Attack. Customer support is also mentioned as above-average. On the downside, some found the sheer volume of material unwieldy and hard to work with.


  • Baselining, ongoing training and ongoing evaluation.
  • Excellent content, including plenty of interactive training and games.
  • Quality customer service.
  • Customizable and personalizable.


  • The library could be better organized.

4. Infosec IQ

Infosec IQ compares favorably with similar cyber security awareness courses, offering all of the features that customers want to see. There’s not really a great deal to set it apart from KnowBe4 and other competitors. Implementation is mostly straightforward, although some reviewers noted a few annoying issues when adding new students to an ongoing program. Users have also mentioned that some of the module quizzes don’t actually relate to the material taught, or contain errors.


  • Baselining, ongoing training and ongoing evaluation.
  • Gamification and interactive materials.
  • Relatively easy to implement.
  • Customizable.


  • Adding new students can be awkward.
  • Issues with module quizzes make completing the modules more difficult than it should be.


The cybersecurity course is a specialist course for the maritime industry. It’s one of just a few cyber security awareness online courses developed specifically for those working on ships. Unlike most other products listed here, it’s a one-off course rather than an ongoing training solution. The course takes roughly one hour in total, depending on the user’s English proficiency (other languages are not supported).


  • Developed specifically for those employed in the maritime industry.
  • Aligns with ISM Code (MSC.428 (98) Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety Management Systems).
  • Modest cost (a one-off payment of GBP 35.00 per student).


  • Not suitable for other industries.
  • No ongoing training.

6. Proofpoint

Proofpoint is a cybersecurity solutions provider offering a range of products, from active cybersecurity to cyber security awareness courses. Proofpoint Security Awareness Training is designed to be integrated with Proofpoint’s other products, although it can be used by itself. Proofpoint Security Awareness Training’s main selling points are its integrability with other Proofpoint products and services, and its adaptive learning framework. As well as allowing for programs to be customized by administrators, this framework uses machine learning to analyze students’ levels and learning styles to deliver the most relevant and effective materials.


  • Baselining, ongoing training and ongoing evaluation.
  • Gamification and interactive materials.
  • Can be integrated with other Proofpoint security products.
  • Adaptive learning framework personalizes training.
  • Advanced CISO dashboard facilitates evaluation and reporting.


  • A poorly organized library.
  • Long loading times.


Rather than providing ongoing cyber security awareness courses, ESET is a one-off security awareness course taking around 90 minutes, administered annually. The training is comprehensive and covers important topics such as phishing awareness and common scams. It includes interactive elements, gamification and unlimited phishing simulations, which can continue after the training is completed. Reviews are scanty but broadly positive.


  • Baselining and evaluation.
  • Unlimited phishing simulations.
  • Gamification and interactive elements.


  • One-off course rather than ongoing training.

8. Mimecast

Mimecast is one of the lesser-known providers of cybersecurity training. Its Mimecast Security Awareness Training can be used alone or as part of the Mimecast suite of security products. Although it does boast a rich library of training materials, including a few interactive quizzes and games as well as videos, Mimecast lacks some of the features you might be looking for in a training product. There’s no gamification to encourage engagement. More significantly, Mimecast Security Awareness Training doesn’t seem to offer baselining. That said, it’s a good solution for contexts where regulatory compliance is especially important and is worth considering for smaller organizations.


  • Ongoing training and evaluation.
  • Can be integrated with other Mimecast security products.
  • Rich, well-organized library of quality training materials.
  • Emphasis on regulatory compliance, eg. HIPAA.


  • No baselining.
  • No gamification.
  • A limited number of interactive elements and games.

9. Webroot

Webroot is a cybersecurity provider offering a range of different products, including Webroot Security Awareness Training. The latter offers similar features to KnowBe4 and its competitors, including ongoing training and evaluation. Webroot is not as widely used as some of the alternatives presented here and thus reviews are less plentiful. Webroot’s customers praise the ease of implementation and the training library, which is updated frequently to stay on top of the latest threats. Webroot Security Awareness Training is designed to be used alongside Webroot’s other security products; it’s unclear how it performs as a standalone training solution.


  • Simple to implement.
  • Adaptive — designed to be used on a variety of devices.
  • Simple pricing structure.
  • Baselining, ongoing training and ongoing evaluation.


  • No gamification.
  • Limited information is available.

10. Barracuda

Offered as part of the Barracuda suite of cybersecurity products, Barracuda Security Awareness Training can be used alone or integrated with the company’s other solutions. It is principally focused on training users to recognize and avoid phishing attacks but the comprehensive training also covers other areas of concern. If phishing and related forms of attack are the primary issue for an organization, Barracuda’s training solution is a good option. It offers most of the desirable features for this kind of product, with the exception of gamification.


  • Baselining, ongoing training and ongoing evaluation.
  • High-quality training materials.
  • Extensive library.
  • Interactive elements and role-play help to engage learners.
  • Trainings are derived from real-world incidents.


  • No gamification.

11. Habitu8

Originally an independent provider of cyber security awareness courses, Habitu8 was acquired in 2021 by cybersecurity giant Arctic Wolf. Habitu8 was best known for its high-end training materials. By bringing “Hollywood” production values to its training content, Habitu8 aimed to create higher levels of engagement among users. Following the acquisition of Habitu8, it was rebranded as Arctic Wolf Security Awareness Training. Training materials retain the engaging scripts and polished style that made Habitu8 successful, and Arctic Wolf Security Awareness Training can be integrated with Arctic Wolf’s other security products.


  • Well-made, entertaining content that’s a hit with learners.
  • Baselining, ongoing training and ongoing evaluation.
  • Engaging gamification that rewards participation.
  • Can be integrated with Arctic Wolf’s other products.


  • A more expensive training solution with opaque pricing.

12. Curricula

Curricula is a training platform that provides instruction on a range of topics. While some users have found their modules on other subjects lacking in content, their cyber security awareness online course is generally praised for its quality and effectiveness. In particular, Curricula is known for training on specific compliance requirements such as NERC CIP. Curricula is generally regarded as a good training solution where regulatory compliance is important. Another point in Curricula’s favor is its ease of use, with the company’s website touting a 15-minute setup time.


  • Effective training for regulatory compliance.
  • Story-based learning draws on real-world examples to drive engagement.
  • Automated training.
  • Baselining, ongoing training and ongoing evaluation.
  • Gamification and interactive elements.


  • Some modules are less engaging than the core cybersecurity content.

13. CybSafe

CybSafe is touted as an integrated human risk management platform. It uses data gleaned from user behavior, event analysis and from other security solutions to develop tailored trainings that will be specifically relevant to each user. The goal is to create permanent changes in user behavior such that risks are avoided. CybSafe draws upon SebDB, a comprehensive database of security behaviors, to drive its risk-reduction training. It’s a little different to the more traditional compliance-based training models used by competitors. Reviewers have praised CybSafe’s Assist feature, which allows users to ask questions about cybersecurity and receive answers generated by the software.


  • An advanced teaching model focused on creating long-term behavioral change.
  • Baselining, ongoing training and continuous automated evaluation.
  • Users can take their training on mobile devices.
  • Engaging training materials.
  • Integration with security solutions.


  • Reviewers report translation issues with some languages.


NINJIO cybersecurity training uses an animated video series to educate employees on cybersecurity best practices. The episodes are short, typically under five minutes, using real-life security breaches used to illustrate complex topics. NINJIO touts its use of Hollywood writers to create its scripts, and the high-quality animation is a hit with many reviewers. Ninjio’s stated goal is to humanize cybersecurity, placing an emphasis on individual responsibility. The training library is regularly updated to stay ahead of evolving threats.


  • Baselining, ongoing training and ongoing evaluation.
  • Gamification.
  • High-quality animated videos.
  • An extensive training library with interactive materials.


  • Some are put off by the animation style.

15. AwareGO

AwareGO security training offers engaging training through bite-sized videos. The platform focuses on changing employee behavior, using real-life scenarios to highlight common security threats and reinforce best practices. The training modules are designed to be concise, making it easy for learners to fit the training into their lives as well as helping them to absorb and retain the information. AwareGO has been praised for its engaging format and ease of setup. On the downside, some reviewers report that the platform is a little buggy and that test questions aren’t always relevant to the module materials.


  • Baselining, ongoing training and ongoing evaluation.
  • Short, easy-to-learn training modules.
  • Engaging videos with real-world scenarios.


  • A buggy platform.
  • Translation errors.
  • Tests don’t always match the training materials.
  • Little high-level training content.

16. Inspired eLearning

Inspired eLearning is a training solution from VIPRE Antivirus. Its cyber security awareness online course uses training videos, activities and simulated attacks to improve awareness. Inspired eLearning covers important topics like phishing, smishing (phishing via SMS), vishing (phishing via video conferences) and USB baiting (the distribution of malware through removable media). There’s a focus on training for legal and regulatory compliance, particularly in HR contexts. Rather than gamification through scores and leaderboards, Inspired eLearning uses activities like its Phishin’ Impossible game to create engagement. Inspired eLearning offers one-off cyber security awareness online course options rather than ongoing training and evaluation.


  • Well-made course materials.
  • Engaging and effective training.
  • Activities and games help engage learners.
  • Certification.


  • One-off courses.
  • A lack of baselining.

17. The Security Awareness Company

The Security Awareness Company offers modules that include videos, newsletters, and quizzes covering a range of important security topics. The training programs are highly customizable and can be tailored to meet the needs of a particular organization. The training library is updated frequently to ensure that emerging threats are covered. The Security Awareness Company’s solutions include baselining and evaluation to demonstrate ROI.


  • Gamification and interactive elements.
  • Baselining, ongoing training and evaluation.
  • Engaging, regularly updated materials.
  • Emphasis on legal and regulatory compliance


  • Some reviewers found the tests confusing.

18. MetaCompliance

MetaCompliance emphasizes the use of interactive content to create engagement. Their platform covers all the important topics you’d expect, like phishing and data protection, with an emphasis on regulatory and policy compliance. The focus on compliance with laws, regulations and policies makes this a good choice where regulations must be closely followed.


  • Baselining, ongoing training and ongoing evaluation.
  • Emphasis on compliance.
  • Gamification and interactive training.
  • Customizability.


  • API integration presented obstacles for some customers.


Security awareness courses can help turn your employees into a human firewall. Pick a course from the list above that best fits your preferences and goals.

For an ongoing security awareness course that keeps your team engaged for long periods of time, consider Guardey. Guardey uses gamification elements like a leaderboard, a storyline, streaks, badges, and more to make sure your employees are intrinsically motivated to learn.

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